Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Adjustment Season

This time of year is always a strange time for me. With a break in the weather, leaves turning, and wardrobes becoming more cozy, fall is a naturally a time of change. But it is also a time of change for me personally. It seems that every year at this time my life makes drastic shifts that can sometimes be scary to deal with. Moving away from home and into a new place with new people, as well as going through a break up, have definitely been the hardest changes for me over this time of year I like to call "adjustment season."

Yesterday in class my professor asked the question, is it a basic characteristic of human nature to resist change?

Yes, I absolutely think so.

Change is hard and can be scary. You can try to avoid it as much as possible but it's part of life. Even though I know this is a hard time, somehow things always have a way of feeling normal again. Wherever you end up, even if it's different than what you wanted, is where you're supposed to be. My challenge for myself is to embrace and accept change, because that's the only way to continue growing as a person.

The leaves changing is one of the most beautiful parts of fall, and really of any time of the year. It just goes to show how beautiful change can really be.

Have you been going through any changes? How do you deal with it?


  1. I've been going through some things lately as well (medically) & it's been tough, but in the end I know that instead of waiting for things to change I need start the change process. Awesome post, as always! xx

  2. Such a wonder post! Great blog as well!


  3. This is the first September I will not be returning to school in almost 20 years. It's definitely a new chapter of my life as I move from school to work life. I think change can be so scary, but working on keeping a positive outlook and having things to look forward to makes it less overwhelming.

  4. I just happened to stumble across your blog! I fell instantly in love ♡ Great job!



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