Monday, June 17, 2013

Pinterest Recipes: Egg Stuffed Avocados

I pinned the recipe for a Bacon and Egg Stuffed Avocado a few months ago and have been anxious to try it! I loove avocado, and breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so this recipe was right up my alley. I followed Anna Nimmity's recipe and it came out tasting delicious! I've included her recipe at the bottom of this post.

I decided to leave out the bacon because I don't really like the taste, and it's fattening. But mine came out very tasty and creamy, the consistency was almost mashed potato-like! I topped the eggs off with a little garlic salt and pepper and it was all it needed.

They were very quick and easy to make, I'd definitely make these again.

Avocado Bacon and Eggs

1 Avocado
2 eggs
2 strips cooked bacon, crumbled

Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Scoop out the avocado so the hole matches the size of your eggs. I didn’t do this the first time and the eggs were too big and oozed all over the pan.

Crack an egg into each half of the avocado, resting the edge of the avocado on the side of the cookie sheet. This helps keep it stable so the avocado doesn’t roll and spill the egg. Add the pieces of bacon to the top and place in the oven at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. You can adjust this based on how you like your eggs cooked. Then add salt and pepper to taste.

Thanks to recommendations from my smart readers, I have been using a muffin tin to stabilize these in the oven. It works like a charm, and even if you misjudge how much avocado to scoop out like I did last time and the egg spills over, the mess is contained in one tiny section. I even ate the spilled egg in this version. Thanks for the tips, everyone!

What do you think of egg stuffed avocados? 

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